
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Ice Blue Nuggets

I love love love heart love this new transparent glaze from Amaco "Fog" from the Celadon line.

AND this porcelain clay, a bright white
Miller WC-631 #550 from Laguna is my favorite.  It took me a long time to decide on a favorite porcelain clay. I've tried many brands, but this one is plastic and bright white ... it does fire a bit gray in reduction, but in oxidation (which is what I fire), it remains pristine white.

In other news, we are having 'weather' in North Central Texas with the normal spring tornado watches ... for those that don't know, a 'watch' is simply a weather condition which may or may not produce a tornado ...the warnings are a bit more worrisome because that means that there has been rotation detected in the upper atmosphere ... or maybe it is on the ground already, but usually it is still in the clouds. We have heard what sounded like a tornado pass overhead one or two times and even here in east of Fort Worth, experienced a tornado nearby, but so far, so good -- no tornado has taken out my house or anyone I love.  I am still surprised that every house in this area does not have a tornado shelter.  We don't have an 'interior' room to hunker down in, but we do have a hall, and so that is where we go when the sirens sound.

But hey, it's Spring! :)


  1. Love the beads! I admit your comments on tornadoes make me wonder... Are you too close to sea level to have basements or storm cellars? In KS you'd be hard-pressed to find a house without a basement, but I know that won't work in all areas. In fact, when we lived in TX along the Gulf Coast, all the houses were built above ground level, on stilts or blocks. (We had blocks.) Anyway, stay safe!

  2. Love the beads! I admit your comments on tornadoes make me wonder... Are you too close to sea level to have basements or storm cellars? In KS you'd be hard-pressed to find a house without a basement, but I know that won't work in all areas. In fact, when we lived in TX along the Gulf Coast, all the houses were built above ground level, on stilts or blocks. (We had blocks.) Anyway, stay safe!

  3. We are close to sea level, but I don't remember exactly what the footage is at the moment. One of my neighbors has a storm cellar but they haven't cleaned it out in years and probably it is filled with snakes and spiders. My dream house would have a basement and I would have the master bedroom IN the basement so I would never have to worry about not waking up to the sirens in the middle of the night. :)
